School Traffic Solutions

School arrival and dismissal times can be hectic, chaotic, and potentially unsafe, often resulting in frustrated students, parents, and school staff. A site assessment by Giffels Webster can lead to effective, efficient, and safe solutions to school traffic circulation. We offer several ways to solve problems. Examples include the following:

  • Evaluate current conditions and provide a written assessment
  • Listen to school staff and other stakeholders to fully understand concerns
  • Develop mitigation alternatives (new signs, pavement markings, concept plan, etc.)
  • Evaluate warrants for turn lanes and/or signals
  • Prepare a traffic impact study
  • Develop a Safe Routes to School program

Giffels Webster has observed common situations at private and public schools:

  • Walking to school is often discouraged by conflicts with vehicular traffic. We can recommend ways to best manage a variety of conflict areas where vehicular and pedestrian traffic converges.
  • Increased traffic makes school ingress and egress more difficult. We have site planning expertise and can address access, parking, and circulation challenges. We seek out safe and cost-effective solutions.