GIS Day 2021

GIS Day is here again!

Most events were canceled in 2020 and while 2021 is seeing a large number of virtual events, we in the GIS field are prepared for that – we do most of our work online these days anyways.

I love GIS Day for the connection it provides between GIS professionals and students. We are fortunate to have an active professional community of GIS users in Michigan, so I feel connected to other professionals in the state all year long. GIS Day is special because I get to interact with university students who are just discovering GIS as a career option or who are about to finish their degree and are curious about job opportunities. I enjoy being able to share my experiences with these eager students. This year, I’ll be taking part in a GIS Day Careers Panel on November 18th, hosted by Wayne State University, University of Michigan-Dearborn, and University of Detroit Mercy. You can find the full schedule of events here.

But GIS Day is also a global event, meaning that people all around the world are celebrating GIS and sharing how they use it to improve their lives. This outpouring of real-world GIS use-cases is both inspirational and educational. It’s a great opportunity to learn how other people use and benefit from GIS technology in diverse cultures and geographies.

Please enjoy this short video by Esri, released in July 2020, highlighting how the GIS community responded to the global coronavirus pandemic.